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ACS Materials Letters(2024).


Emerging Electrocatalytic Textile Electrodes for Highly Efficient Alkaline Water Electrolysis

Jeongmin Mo, Wondo Choi, Hyaemin Kim, Jaesung Lyu, Cheong Hoon Kwon, Dongsoo Yang, Jinhan Cho

This paper was selected for front cover page.



Advanced Energy Meterials(2024). 


A Hybrid Biofuel Cell with High Power and Operational Stability Using Electron Transfer-Intensified Mediators and Multi-Interaction Assembly

Younjun Jang, Tae-Won Seo, Junha Pak, Moon Kyu Park, Jeongyeon Ahn, Gee Chan Jin, Seung Woo Lee, Yoon Jang Chung,
Young-Bong Choi, Cheong Hoon Kwon, Jinhan Cho

This paper was selected for front cover page.

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