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ACS nano (2019).

ACS nano (2019).

ACS nano (2019).

ACS nano (2019).



















ACS nano (2019).


ACS nano (2019).

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Correction to Charge-Transfer-Modulated Transparent Supercapacitor Using Multidentate Molecular Linker and Conductive Transparent Nanoparticle Assembly

Jimin Choi, Donghyeon Nam, Dongyeeb Shin, Youngkwon Song, Cheong Hoon Kwon, Ikjun Cho, Seung Woo Lee, Jinhan Cho*

DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.9b04594

ACS applied materials & interfaces (2019).


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Highly Conductive Paper/Textile Electrodes Using Ligand Exchange Reaction-Induced in Situ Metallic Fusion

Sungkun Kang, Donghyeon Nam, Jimin Choi, Jongkuk Ko, Donghee Kim, Cheong Hoon Kwon, June Huh, Jinhan Cho*

DOI: 10.1021/acsami.8b21445

Nanoscale (2019).


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High-Performance Electrochromic Films with Fast Switching Times using Transparent/Conductive Nanoparticle-Modulated Charge Transfer

Junsang Yun, Yongkwon Song, Ikjun Cho, Yongmin Ko, Cheong Hoon Kwon, Jinhan Cho

DOI: 10.1039/c9nr06259a

Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2019).


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Highly conductive electrocatalytic gold nanoparticle-assembled carbon fiber electrode for high-performance glucose-based biofuel cells

Cheong Hoon Kwon, Yongmin Ko, Dongyeeb Shin, Seung Woo Lee, Jinhan Cho

DOI: 10.1039/c8ta12342j

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